The Network is offering a series of online events - Global Health Bites - designed for people who want to learn or extend their knowledge about global health and discover who in Wessex is involved in work abroad. Events will be recorded and made available online through the website. 


There are two types of Global Health Bites at the moment. 


a) Network Conversations  


These are 15 – 30 minute self contained interviews with people involved in work abroad. They may range from someone describing their personal experiences of working abroad, a description of the work of their department or research to an interview with an expert in their field who is able to identify some of the key issues and recent developments. 


We encourage people to let us know about their work and to share it through the Bites. You can do this by e-mailing 


b) The Prism Series


This takes a particular global health topic and, through a series of bite sized events, explores it from different perspectives to understand better some of the complex relationships that contribute to global health. The topic being covered during 2023/24 is "The Health of Women Globally". 


The Health of Women Globally :  Through a collaboration with Universities in Wessex and others, the Network will be running a series of online interview-style short events over 2023/24 that will explore the many and varied factors affecting women’s health across the globe. Events will include research, examples of good practice on the ground and work carried out by people in Wessex. They will be recorded and made accessible through this website, 




We advertise events mainly through the Newsletter and you can sign up below to receive it. 


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