International Work of the Royal Medical Colleges

Several of the medical colleges are involved in international work. Larger ones may have an office dedicated to international work and smaller ones may have a specialist adviser. Below are links to relevant international sections of various Royal Medical Colleges or Associations. 


The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland


The Association of Anaesthetists has an active international section that promotes international engagement. It has a particular focus on promoting safe anaesthesia and critical care overseas. 


Royal College of General Practice


The Royal College of General Practice has a very active international section and is involved in various projects with Low and Middle Income Countries, including Out of Programme placements in a rural community hospital in Uganda. The College also offers international opportunities for involvement, international training and accreditation and a junior international committee. 


Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists


The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has developed a Global Network of experienced obstetricians and gynaecologists from across the world.  They work to support improvements in women’s sexual and reproductive healthcare and do this through its Centre for Women's Global Health, its global membership and its global health advocacy. 


Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health


The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has a well developed international office and works with local partners, ministries of health and international development agencies in a wide range of low- and middle-income settings. It has a wide range of resources and runs training programmes to prepare clinicians for working in low-resource settings around the world. 


Royal College of Physicians (RCP)


The Royal College of Physicians has a well developed international office (RCP Global) and a variety of projects in the different regions of the world.  Another important function is managing the Medical Training Initiative (MTI), a scheme that enables junior doctors from all over the world to work and train in the UK for up to two years. 


Faculty of Public Health


The International Committee of the RCP's Faculty of Public Health takes the lead for its work related to global health. Linked to it are a number of special interest groups related to different countries and topics. The Faculty has a small number of recognised training locations abroad accredited for training through an Out of Programme (Experience) placement. 


The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) is an umbrella organisation for public health associations and institutes in Europe. It works to facilitate and activate a strong voice of the public health network by enhancing visibility of the evidence and by strengthening the capacity of public health professionals.


The World Federation of Public Health Associations is an international, non-governmental organization composed of multidisciplinary national public health associations. Its activities are designed to promote and protect global public health.


Royal College of Surgeons (England) 


The Royal College of Surgeons has a Global Affairs section and connections with several parts of the world through its global and country surgical advisers. More recently it has embarked upon a Humanitarian Surgical Initiative. This is an international collaboration that seeks to examine the potential role and contribution of technology and data-driven evidence in building humanitarian surgical capacity, resilience and preparedness in low resource settings. 


International Federation of Surgical Colleges (IFSC) : The IFSC is based at the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain in London. Its members are Surgical Colleges, Associations and Societies worldwide. It aims to act as a voice for World Surgery on problems of common interest and in particular the advancement of surgery in low- and middle-income countries by promoting standards of excellence in surgical care, education, training and research. Former Wessex consultant, Robert Lane, was its president for many years. 


Oxford University Global Surgery Group : The Oxford University Global Surgery Group (OUGSG) is a group of clinicians and researchers working together to contribute to the provision of high quality surgical care globally, particularly in low and middle income countries (LMICs). It runs events and courses and is involved with partnerships abroad. 


SurgHub : Surgeons may also be interested in SurgHub, the UN Global Surgery Learning Hub, which runs a variety of useful courses 


Royal College of Ophthalmologists


The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has been working internationally for many years and has developed useful guidance for individuals who want to work abroad.  

International Work of the Royal Medical Colleges image

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International Work of the Royal Medical Colleges

Several of the medical colleges are involved in international work. Larger ones may have an office dedicated to international work and smaller ones may have a specialist adviser. Below are links to relevant international sections of various Royal Medical Colleges or Associations.    The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland   The Association of Anaesthetists has an active international section that promotes international engagement. It has a particular focus on promoting safe anaesthesia and critical care overseas.    Royal College of General Practice   The Royal College of General Practice has a very active international section and is involved in various projects with Low and Middle Income Countries, including Out of Programme placements in a rural community hospital in Uganda. The College also offers international opportunities for involvement, international training and accreditation and a junior international committee.    Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists   The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has developed a Global Network of experienced obstetricians and gynaecologists from across the world.  They work to support improvements in women’s sexual and reproductive healthcare and do this through its Centre for Women's Global Health, its global membership and its global health advocacy.    Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health   The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has a well developed international office and works with local partners, ministries of health and international development agencies in a wide range of low- and middle-income settings. It has a wide range of resources and runs training programmes to prepare clinicians for working in low-resource settings around the world.    Royal College of Physicians (RCP)   The Royal College of Physicians has a well developed international office (RCP Global) and a variety of projects in the different regions of the world.  Another important function is managing the Medical Training Initiative (MTI), a scheme that enables junior doctors from all over the world to work and train in the UK for up to two years.    Faculty of Public Health   The International Committee of the RCP's Faculty of Public Health takes the lead for its work related to global health. Linked to it are a number of special interest groups related to different countries and topics. The Faculty has a small number of recognised training locations abroad accredited for training through an Out of Programme (Experience) placement.    The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) is an umbrella organisation for public health associations and institutes in Europe. It works to facilitate and activate a strong voice of the public health network by enhancing visibility of the evidence and by strengthening the capacity of public health professionals.   The World Federation of Public Health Associations is an international, non-governmental organization composed of multidisciplinary national public health associations. Its activities are designed to promote and protect global public health.   Royal College of Surgeons (England)    The Royal College of Surgeons has a Global Affairs section and connections with several parts of the world through its global and country surgical advisers. More recently it has embarked upon a Humanitarian Surgical Initiative. This is an international collaboration that seeks to examine the potential role and contribution of technology and data-driven evidence in building humanitarian surgical capacity, resilience and preparedness in low resource settings.    International Federation of Surgical Colleges (IFSC) : The IFSC is based at the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain in London. Its members are Surgical Colleges, Associations and Societies worldwide. It aims to act as a voice for World Surgery on problems of common interest and in particular the advancement of surgery in low- and middle-income countries by promoting standards of excellence in surgical care, education, training and research. Former Wessex consultant, Robert Lane, was its president for many years.    Oxford University Global Surgery Group : The Oxford University Global Surgery Group (OUGSG) is a group of clinicians and researchers working together to contribute to the provision of high quality surgical care globally, particularly in low and middle income countries (LMICs). It runs events and courses and is involved with partnerships abroad.    SurgHub : Surgeons may also be interested in SurgHub, the UN Global Surgery Learning Hub, which runs a variety of useful courses    Royal College of Ophthalmologists   The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has been working internationally for many years and has developed useful guidance for individuals who want to work abroad.  

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International Work of the Colleges of Nursing and Midwives

Royal College of Nursing   The Royal College of Nursing works with UK, European and wider international alliances and, stakeholders to influence health and nursing policy globally. It is also active in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.    The International Nursing Network of the College brings together health care practitioners interested in the field of international health care.Members of this community include registered practitioners, health care assistants, students and volunteers.   The International Council of Nurses is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations and represents the more than 16 million nurses worldwide.  It works to ensure quality nursing care for all, sound health policies globally, the advancement of nursing knowledge, and the presence worldwide of a respected nursing profession and a competent and satisfied nursing workforce.      The Royal College of Midwives     The International Hub of the Royal College of Midwives has particularly strong links with European organisations, but is also involved with projects abroad.   International Confederation of Midwives supports, represents and works to stregthen professional associations of midwives on a global basis particularly to secure women's rights to midwifery care before, during and after childbirth. 

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International Work of Other Workforce Groups

    International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)   The International Union for Health Promotion and Education is a worldwide, independent and professional association committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people through education, community action and the development of healthy public policy.    World Public Health Nutrition Association (WPHNA)   The World Public Heatlh Nutrition Association is a professional association that brings together people with a common interest in promoting and improving public health nutrition. We work to ensure that in all possible circumstances, adequate nourishing food is available to and affordable by all.   The International Orthoptic Association    The International Orthoptic Association aims to promote the science of orthoptics worldwide, to promote information and support national bodies and individual orthoptists, and to help maintain and improve standards of education, training and orthoptic practice.  whose main interest is promoting the science of orthoptics worldwide.    Caerdeas International Palliative Care Trust    The Caerdeas International Palliative Care Trust is a Scottish-based charity which works in partnership with national and international individuals and organisations using a health systems approach to promote and faciliate the provision of high quality palliative care in resource limited settings. It works to achieve this through education, advocacy, mentorship and research.    The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)   The International Pharmaceutical Federation is the global body representing pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical education. Through its networks, it works to support the development of the pharmacy profession and workforce in order to meet the world’s health care needs and expectations.     

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