Poole Africa Link (PAL)

The Poole - Africa Link is a charity that had connections with South Sudan initially but now they are with Uganda. 


Wau, South Sudan : Poole Hospital and Wau Teaching Hospital, Southern Sudan in 2009. The aim was to help by setting up basic teaching and training programmes for nurses and midwives, and post-graduate training for doctors. Staff from Poole Hospital  donated their time and expertise to support the project by visiting Wau to carry out training and establish systems to improve ongoing support. 


Lira, Uganda : In 2016 the civil strife in South Sudan made it too dangerous for visits to be made and, whilst maintaining personal links, the team responded to interest in forming a partnership with Lira Hospital, Northern Uganda. This is a regional high volume referral hospital and an ongoing partnership has been developed with additional support coming from some consultants from Salisbury Hospital, Wiltshire. 


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